After Sales Video

I bought a case for my iPhone.

From a company called Peel that I saw on Instagram.

I got an immediate email... confirming my order. Saying 'thanks'.
Adding 'Here's a peek into what just happened in our office when we got your order'.
And a video...

What happened?

- my buyer's remorse - where you feel a bit down after a purchase, that maybe you're wrong... was I an idiot for buying a phone case from the US from a company I saw on Instagram?.. It vanished,

- a human connection to the brand was made. I liked them.

- I kept thinking about them

- I went back and checked out their other products

- Erm, turns out I wrote a blog post about them

Marketing isn't just selling

Marketing is always loaded ahead of a purchase. But actually once you've made the sale... that's a great opportunity to really cement a relationship. It's easier to sell to people who already bought from you right? Make them feel special!

Make people happy they've bought from you. Make them want to tell others about you.
Make them excited about what they're going to get from you.

Book a table at a restaurant - show me a video of the kitchen team prepping for me.

Put down a deposit for a holiday - send me a video of that area, the hotel, get me excited!

Book a place for my kid at a holiday camp - get a video of kids enjoying themselves, having incredible adventures (instead of feeling guilty I'm not with my kids, I'll feel excited of what's to come!)

Send my files to the accountant - show me the humans in that office excited to get to work on them (genuinely!)

The list goes on... So, how about you?
There's not a product or service that can't do this.
Build a human connection. Make me love your brand. Kill my buyer's remorse.

How will you say 'thanks'?