I have to say, (chef) hats off to John Lewis.
Making the most of the Facebook video placement yet again, this time with a video to last just two days. But one of those days is Pancake Day. And ahead of Shrove Tuesday, comes Shrewd Marketing Monday.
This was in my Facebook feed...
Unlike the coveted crepes in our house, John Lewis' are definitely made for sharing.
Just look at the amount of social activity. And the thing is, they're not expecting to sell me that frying pan, oversized spatula, plastic bottle etc. What they're selling is a dollop of happiness, drizzled with anticipation and inspiration. Imagine the kids' faces if I pulled this off! They want me to sallivate at their brand.
The whole production and social delivery is as brilliantly quick, simple and sweet as any good pancake should be.
Though frankly, they've mucked about being clever with their designs so much that the pancakes themselves look over cooked. I think I'll probably stick to a 'sun shaped' pancake after all.